
Physical and Perceptual Image Processing for Low Power, Low Cost and High Quality Displays



Participation at ICDT conference in Nanjing, China

Prof. Xu attended in the ICDT conference from 31st March to 3rd April in Nanjing, China and gave a talk entitled "Boosting  Power Efiiciency and Visual Quality of Automotive LCDs by Proprietary Local Dimming Algorith, BLU Design and HMI Adaption".



Paper downloads

Congratulations to Prof. Chihao Xu!

His Paper "A unified OLED aging model combining three modeling approaches for extending AMOLED lifetime" was one of the most downloaded during its first 12 months of publication in Journal of the society for information display.


Award for paper International Display Workshop 22

Our researcher, Ramazan Ayasli, has won an award from the International Display Workshop 22 committee for his paper with the title: "LCD Reflection Model for Simulation of Automotive and Mobile Displays under Daylight Condition"
*Ramazan Ayasli1, Julian Bürner1, Maxim Schmidt1, Sascha Xu2
1. University of Saarland (Germany), 2. X-Motive GmbH (Germany)