Local Dimming of tablet/notebook monitors based on GPU

Objective: the monitor consumes today 25% of the total power of a notebook. In the near future, this share will rise to 75%. The power saving feature of local dimming fits therefore ideally for increasing the battery operation time of a tablet/notebook and/or making the battery smaller, lighter and cheaper. Since a graphic processing unit is always available, a SW-based solution e.g. in Open CL, Cuda etc may be implemented without any HW-cost. We will work on an efficient and generic implementation which can quickly be adapted to a specific table/notebook model. The algorithm shall be able to run on a small GPU and allow high frame rate like 120 Hz. The visual reslts will be validated and demonstrated on a modified monitor with 16 LED strings. In addition, the processing of the image data will consider specific requirements derived from the diverse contents of mobile computing applications. The ambient light will also be considered.